Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Close to my heart Consultant.....

I am now officially an Independent consultant for CTMH. whooo hoooo... I'm so excited. I still have to go through the classes and how tos online. I can't wait though. I've loved CTMH for so long and actually wanted to become a Stampin Up Demonstrator but I wanna start small then of course maybe do Stampin up later. Both are one of the best in the artsie world. Here's what they sent me in the Consultant kit....

I can't wait to use them. I have so many things in mind it's like an artsie market in my head.. hehehehe. I'm still in the process of fixing my own space in the little apartment. But I will surely keep blogging everyday and crafting everyday. aaaaahhhhh I'm so excited...... I will post some great creations later on. I had done a few while I wasn't bloggin last year. So anywhoots. just wanted to share the great exciting news.


Monday, March 29, 2010

12X12 HK Scrapbook Paper....

As much as I would love to keep it, I think it's going to go into the RAK pile. I was so excited when I bought this book. Although it only came with 2 design papers. We all love Hello Kitty so I didn't hesitate with buying. hehehehe. But unfortunately I would rather give it as a RAK and share my findings hehehehe. I got it from AAAHHHs, ya the we sell almost everything but it's all expensive store.. lol. I've been going to that store since I was 14 and it just gets bigger and bigger every year that passes... or every year I age... hahahaha. Anywhoots I will post a blog candy sometime this week... Hopefully I get a bunch of people to start browsin' around my pink artsie blog so we can play with LOTS of creative souls.....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The story of US....

So Yey... I'm back to blurfin and stampin and scrappin, sending raks, leaving comments, everything artsie... I can't believe it. I have been the busiest mother bee of them all. I HAD been working full time as a nurse and a full time mommy as well. In the middle of being the busy bee.... My husband is now an all american MARINE... so proud of him. I am so happy to be his wife and his best friend and vise versa. I actually expected myself to do better in the artsie world while he was in training but I was more in the low key than high. Through the road I became closer to my super co-workers, as they branded us, The B CREW... Being that they think we're such Biatches of them all. Little did they know we are the only nice people in the building hehehehehehe. My life without srapping was not great. Though I have gained and found great friends, I was missing and had MISSED WAY MUCH...So I quit my full time job to be home more with the kiddies. Some of you are probably thinking WTH quit so you can scrap more? are you nuts? YES I AM....But for my defense I actually have plentyful of reasons for quitting... lmao. I miss leaving comments, blogging daily, creating, sharing, raking, everything that an artsie girl would do. Life without scrapping is not the life I would live.  So.... Anywhoots I am back now, in my safe artsie haven.... Just need to make space so I can have a place I can call MY tiny craft room... hehehehe.

The story of US.... I had gotten a mini album kit from a dear friend Marie from Aloha and Mabuhay.... I can't believe how beautiful and cheap she was selling her kits. But anywhoots... I HAD TO make this one my come back creation. I mean Marie gave this to me months ago, when my husband started training. And also thanks so much Marie for giving me heads up with the military lifestyle... hehehehehe. Okie dokie... on with the Mini....


Friday, March 26, 2010

Upcoming Creation whooo hoooo.... I'm BAAAACCCCKKKKKK!

So I'm still in the middle of cleaning my TINY apartment so I will just post the front of the MiNi I had finished earlier today. I used the Kit from my dear friend Marie P. and little bit of this and that from the stash... So here it is.... I'm so back... I'm so excited to look around and blurf around all night.... hehehehe More good news to come later on.....
