Monday, March 29, 2010

12X12 HK Scrapbook Paper....

As much as I would love to keep it, I think it's going to go into the RAK pile. I was so excited when I bought this book. Although it only came with 2 design papers. We all love Hello Kitty so I didn't hesitate with buying. hehehehe. But unfortunately I would rather give it as a RAK and share my findings hehehehe. I got it from AAAHHHs, ya the we sell almost everything but it's all expensive store.. lol. I've been going to that store since I was 14 and it just gets bigger and bigger every year that passes... or every year I age... hahahaha. Anywhoots I will post a blog candy sometime this week... Hopefully I get a bunch of people to start browsin' around my pink artsie blog so we can play with LOTS of creative souls.....

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