Saturday, September 3, 2011

Diaper Cake......

Wow it's been so long and I hate being away for a long time cause then I'll keep goin and goin until it's been forever again... lol.
     So it's been a crazy summer this year only because I am not working still and I've been stuck in the house with the kids all summer long.... and this years theme was " Brother and Sister FIGHTS!" aaahhhh man I can't wait till they're over the fighting... but also of course I could since I hate that they're growing up so so fast....
     My little boo is goin to Pre K this year and it's heartbreaking and yet so whew feeling hehehe. I get to alone at home for 2 1/2 hours and I have no idea what in the world I will be doing.... lol... My baby girl is going to 1st grade this coming Wednesday and my heart skips a beat whenever I think about how time flies over my freakin' head like I wasn't around. She's been the best and I have to admit she is very much growing up right before my eyes. I guess the only thing left for me to say is that I'M FREAKING GETTING OLD...
     I think I'm goin through a PRE-MIDLIFE crisis. I started dying my hair to all sorts of colors hahahaha. well actually I was trying to go super light brown then went to highlighting then now back to brown.... omg then all these vitamins and meds for the darn hypertension has to start because of my being a fat ass girl.... lol. oh so so many things. But anyway  let me get to the point of the post....

I've been dying to make a Diaper cake forever and I finally had the chance to when the hubsters told me he needed to buy diapers for a baby shower..... so when I heard him say that my eyes twinkled like I was just crowned the princess hahahaha I said, "Oh Oh please please let me make a Diaper cake Please please?" he freakin' says, "No, it's ok..." then we went off to a little argument about that if I make it, it better look super good because then I'll ruin my artsie reputation @ his job hahahahaha. Then he says I dont' have to waste time if I don't know how to do it..... OMG..seriously I think an Artsie Fartsy can so do it when they really take their time....And so I ended up doin' it for 4 hours hahahahaha and here is the outcome.....

 Well in the end I got to make it and made money too hehehehe... I spent a lot on this one since it was 152 pcs of diapers hahahahaha... then the extra materials from walmart.... But I sold it for $80 buckaroonies... lol. I want to try to personalize next time I get to make it ... I would to make a 2 tier with a diaper bike on the top... i think that one will cost more since the materials are actually more baby items but I'm sure it'll be super fun.... anywhoots... I shall return with more artsie fun.......


1 comment:

ediapercakes said...

Your diaper cake is wonderful! I love all the flowers you used to decorate it. It gives it a cute and girly look.