Tomorrow I have to go to a seminar for work and I get paid for listening (BORING!) hehehe I tend to always fall asleep when it comes to people talking for hours. Even if I've had tons of caffeine. hehehe I don't know if I should say that I'm getting promoted or just simply addin' another skill to my nursing career. I'll be learning how to do what they call a Minimum Data Set, MDS for short. It is like the invoice of the patients in the facility you're working for. So assessing them and jottin' it all down on the MDS. Hubs has been an MDS nurse for about 4 years now. I still say he's smarter than I am on this one. But we'll see after I learn the ins and outs of the department. hehehehe. I'm excited cause I have been all over the place @ my work. Well not really but I've passed meds and now doin' wound care and back in the days I was a CNA there, can you believe it? YES I started off as a CNA... then now an LVN ... Someday an RN. hahahaha though I think it'll take me awhile.. But eventually get there. Although I am afraid of getting overwhelmed with the work. I hope I do well when I start doin' it..
Anywhootsies this is the post for the day...
Hope all is havin' a blessed Monday and had a fantabulous Super Bowl Sunday....

Any day that we get a StampinUp order is a good day!! Have fun with your new goodies!!
Can't see what you make.
I was thinking of getting that punch. Let me know how you like it. Can't wait to see what you create with all those colorful papers.
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